Imagine walking into a room, and your feet meet an excellent, smooth surface that tells a story of timeless elegance. That’s the beauty of natural stone flooring. It’s not just a floor; it’s a piece of the Earth that adds grace and durability to your home. In this blog, we’ll explore the world of stunning stone flooring and show you how to keep it looking its best. Let’s dive into the magic of natural stone.

Types of Natural Stone Flooring

There are a variety of natural stone flooring options available for your home. Each type of stone has its unique character and charm. Let’s meet a few:


  1. Marble: Imagine the pristine floors of grand palaces and art galleries. Marble is famous for its timeless elegance and unique veining patterns. It’s a showstopper in any room.
  2. Granite: If durability is your top priority, granite is your best friend. It’s tough as nails and adds a touch of sophistication to kitchens and bathrooms.
  3. Limestone: This stone whispers history with its natural, earthy tones. Limestone floors bring a sense of warmth and serenity to your living spaces.

Each type of stone has its strengths, and the choice depends on your style and needs. But no matter which one you choose, all these natural beauties have one thing in common – they stand the test of time.

The Best Stone Flooring And Maintenance Care Tips

Stone Flooring – Nadine Floors Company


Benefits of Choosing Natural Stone Flooring

Now that we’ve seen the stunning options let’s uncover the myriad benefits of choosing stone flooring for your home.



Imagine having a floor that can survive everyday wear and tear and still look stunning years after installation. That’s what natural stone offers. From bustling family homes to high-traffic commercial spaces, natural stone flooring is built to last.


There’s an undeniable elegance in the natural patterns and colors of stone. It’s as if each piece of stone has its own story. When you choose  natural stone flooring, you’re not just selecting a floor; you’re bringing a part of nature’s artistry into your home. It transforms your space into a sanctuary of beauty and grace.

Value Addition to Homes:

A house is more than just walls and a roof; it’s an investment in your future. Natural Stone flooring adds lasting value to your property. It’s a feature that not only enhances your living experience but also increases the resale value of your home. Imagine selling your home one day, and the potential buyers are immediately captivated by the timeless allure of stone floors. It’s an investment that pays off.

The Best Stone Flooring And Maintenance Care Tips

Stone Flooring – Nadine Floors Company


Natural Stone Flooring Maintenance and Care

Taking care of your beautiful natural stone floors is like giving them a hug of appreciation. They’ll reward you with timeless charm and durability if you follow these do’s and don’ts:


What You Should Do:

  • Dust Mop Frequently: Imagine dust as tiny grains of sandpaper. Dust mopping keeps your floors polished by preventing these abrasive particles from scratching the surface.
  • Use Coasters and Mats: Protect your stone surfaces with coasters, trivets, or placemats.
  • Clean with Mild Detergent: Your stone’s best friend is a gentle cleaner or stone soap mixed with warm water. It cleans without leaving any streaks or film behind.
  • Rinse and Dry: After washing, rinse your surfaces with clear water. Then, pat them dry to prevent water spots.


What You Should Not Do:

  • Avoid Acidic Cleaners: Natural stone and acid don’t mix well. Skip the vinegar, lemon juice, or any cleaners containing acids. They can harm your stone’s shine.
  • Say No to Abrasives: Abrasive cleaners, like dry cleaners, are a no-go. They can scratch the surface; we want to keep that sparkle.
  • Bleach and Ammonia Don’t Mix: Mixing bleach and ammonia creates a toxic gas. Please avoid it. Stick to one cleaner at a time.


Daily Cleaning Procedures and Recommendations:

Countertop Surfaces:

Clean them with a few drops of neutral cleaner, stone soap, or a gentle dishwashing detergent with warm water. Use a soft cloth for best results.

Floor Surfaces:

Dust mop your interior floors often using a clean, dry dust mop. Sand and dirt can be tough on stone, so mats or rugs at entrances are like gatekeepers for the grit.

Bath and Other Wet Areas:

For soap scum, a squeegee after each use works wonders. Use an ammonia and water solution (1/2 cup ammonia to a gallon of water). Or you can remove it using a non-acidic soap scum remover.

Outdoor Pool and Patio Areas:

Rinse with clear water and use a mild bleach solution to tackle algae or moss for outdoor spaces.

Exterior Stone Maintenance:

Large outdoor stone areas may not need daily care, but they should get an overall cleaning occasionally to remove pollutants.

General Guidelines for Stain Removal:

  1. Clear any loose debris.
  2. Instead of wiping, gently blot the area to avoid spreading the spill.
  3. Rinse with plain water and mild soap, repeating as necessary.
  4. For stubborn stains, consult a stone care professional for guidance.

Remember, your stone surfaces deserve the best care, just like you do. With a bit of attention and these simple tips, your natural stone floors will continue to shine and enchant for years to come.


Common Issues and Troubleshooting

Stone floors are strong, but they can have problems sometimes. Here’s how to handle them:


  1. Scratches: If you get minor scratches, you can use special products to make them less visible. Protect your floors from more scratches by using soft pads under furniture.
  2. Etching: Spills like lemon juice can leave marks. To fix minor flaws, you can use something to polish the stone. But for big marks, getting help from a pro is better.
  3. Stains: If you spill something and it stains, try using a mix of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia for specific stains. For oil stains, use things like acetone or mineral spirits. Be gentle when cleaning.

Remember, for big problems, it’s wise to get help from professionals. They know how to make your stone floors look good again.


Comparing Stone Flooring to Other Flooring Options

Let’s see how stone flooring compares to hardwood and ceramic tiles:


Solid and Durable: Stone lasts a longer time than wood or ceramic.

Elegant Look: Stone is natural and beautiful. Wood is warm, and ceramic is versatile, but stone adds a timeless touch.

Value Over Time: Stone floors add value to your home and last longer.

Cost: Stone may cost more initially, but it pays off because it lasts and adds value.

So, while wood and ceramic are nice, stone is strong, beautiful, and a good investment. It’s an excellent choice for your home.


Key Takeaways

The Best Stone Flooring And Maintenance Care Tips

Stone Flooring – Nadine Floors Company

Natural stone flooring offers durability and timeless elegance. But to keep it looking its best, you need to show it some love. Regular care and gentle cleaning are essential to keep your stone floors shining. In addition, natural stone flooring adds long-lasting value to your home. Compare it to hardwood and ceramic tiles; you’ll see why stone shines.

Remember, for all your flooring needs, including hardwood flooring in Plano, TX, explore Nadine Floor Company. We offer a range of products like wood, tile, granite, and more to transform your space.

Ready to Elevate Your Floors? Contact Us Today!


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